Using the Pin to Drive feature Tesla Model Y

You can block the Model Y from being driven until a 4-digit PIN (Personal Identification Number) is entered to boost security.

To enable this feature, touch Controls > Safety & Security > PIN to Drive and you will be prompted to create a driving PIN.

Note: When activated, you must use it to enter Valet mode for the first time and generate the 4-digit valet PIN that you can use to enter and exit Valet mode, in addition to entering the 4-digit driving PIN to drive. The Model Y can be driven in Valet mode without the valet having to input a driving PIN. When Valet mode is engaged, the PIN to Drive setting is also disabled.

Return to this setting, press the link to input your Tesla login credentials, then follow the on-screen prompts if you forget your driving PIN or want to disable PIN to Drive.

Note: If your touchscreen becomes unresponsive, you may be unable to input your PIN. In this instance, consider restarting the touchscreen (see Restarting the Touchscreen for more information). If the touchscreen remains unresponsive, you can still use Keyless Driving on the Tesla mobile app to bypass PIN to Drive.


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