Tesla AI Day: 30 September 2022

Tesla AI Day: 30 September 2022

The Tesla AI Day's new date was announced by tech entrepreneur Elon Musk. Originally scheduled for August 19, the event has been postponed until September 30. Tesla recently provided some fascinating business updates. By the end of this year, he claimed, Tesla hopes to have a production capacity of two million units. The business recently built its three millionth electric vehicle, a significant increase from the 3,000 vehicles produced a decade ago. Musk also mentioned at the discussion that Tesla might reveal the location of its upcoming gigafactory this year.

Tesla has recently attracted attention for a variety of reasons. Andrej Karpathy, the business's renowned AI and autopilot chief, left the company in July. Over a five-year period, Karpathy worked at Tesla. Musk had previously stated that one of the main objectives of the AI day would be recruiting.

Tesla has also received some unfavorable news. Tech job losses have increased as a result of the global recession. According to media reports that circulated in June, Musk planned to cut approximately 10% of the company's salaried workforce because he had a "very awful feeling" about the state of the economy.

Star of the Show

We can infer from the publicity campaign that this year's Tesla AI Day would feature the humanoid robot Optimus as its main attraction. Musk gushed about it and said that when Optimus is unveiled, everyone will be astounded. He did so even during the annual general meeting. He continued by predicting that Tesla bots would surpass automobiles in value in the future.

Around this time last year, Tesla AI Day was where we first learned about Optimus. With an alien-like dancer wearing a white bodysuit and a sparkling black mask, the beginning was rather spectacular. According to Tesla, Optimus is the next phase of automation and features a multipurpose bipedal to carry out jobs that are unsafe, dull, or monotonous. Musk had already promised that Optimus would be amiable. Optimus will reportedly weigh 125 pounds and have a screen for a face, according to a previous report. Its height will be five feet, eight inches. The working prototype would be available by the end of 2022, and manufacturing would begin in 2023, according to earlier statements made by Musk.

Musk's ambitions extend far into space, on the ground, and beneath it.


Soon, we should hear more about Tesla's planned Robotaxi project. Musk claimed that the Robotaxi will be a hybrid of Uber and Airbnb at the annual general meeting. For Tesla, Robotaxi is listed as in development. He also disclosed that a launch city was not taken into consideration when designing the system. They will have full self-driving capabilities built in, allowing owners to utilize them alone or join their car to the Robotaxi fleet to earn money.

Dojo chip

Additional improvements to the Dojo supercomputer program are also possible. Ganesh Venkataramanan, senior director of autopilot hardware at Tesla, unveiled the chip that powers the company's Dojo supercomputer at the previous Tesla AI Day. This D1 device has a 7nm manufacturing process with 362 teraflops of processing capability. Additionally, according to Venkatraman, the chip has two times the I/O bandwidth of competing networking switch chips. That Dojo will be functioning in 2019 was mentioned by Musk.

Full Self-Driving

Musk recently released some significant updates regarding FSD.He promised that FSD will be made public this year during the shareholders meeting. The release of FSD beta 10.13 as version 10.69 was also mentioned by him. He stressed that FSD 10.69 will see a lot of improvements.

We may anticipate learning more information about the development Tesla has achieved with FSD beta at the Tesla AI Day. Musk has stated that the business hopes to enroll approximately 1 million individuals in the beta program by the end of the year.