Managing Keys for Tesla Model Y

Touch Controls > Locks to see a list of all keys (phones, key cards, and key fobs) that can unlock your Model Y. Each key has a symbol next to it that indicates whether it is a phone, key card, or key fob. This list can be used to keep track of the keys that have access to your vehicle.

Note: The same key can be used on other Model Ys. This eliminates the need to deal with multiple keys while switching automobiles. If you have a custom authenticated key card name or key fob on one vehicle (done through the edit/pencil icon), the customized label will appear on any other Model Y that the key card/fob is authenticated with.

Note: The Model Y may accommodate up to 19 keys. You must delete a key before adding a new one if you reach this limit.

Adding and Removing Keys

If you're adding a key fob, make sure it's at room temperature first. If the key fob is cold, pairing may fail.

  1. On the touchscreen, press Controls > Locks and then press the + icon in the Keys section.
  2. Scan the new key card or fob on the key reader behind the cup holders on the top of the center console. After the new key is recognized, remove it from the key reader.
  3. You can scan an already-authenticated key on the key reader behind the cup holders on the top of the center console.
  4. Once finished, the newly validated key will appear in the list on the touchscreen. Customize its name by touching the associated pencil icon and entering a label.

Adding a New Key

Bluetooth must first be enabled and the phone must have the Tesla mobile app installed and connected to the Model Y's Tesla account.

  1. Open the Tesla mobile app while seated in the vehicle, choose the relevant vehicle (if there are multiple vehicles associated with the account), and then touch Phone Key > Start.
  2. Use the key reader behind the cup holders on the top of the center console to scan an already-authenticated key card or key fob.
  3. Touch Done when the mobile app confirms that the pairing was successful. The new phone key is shown in the touchscreen's key list (Controls > Locks). The phone key's name is decided by the name entered in the phone's settings.

Removing a Key

You can remove a key from your vehicle when you no longer need it.

  1. On the touchscreen, press Controls > Locks.
  2. In the key list, find the key to delete in the key list, then touch the key’s trash icon to remove it.
  3. You will be prompted to scan an authenticated key card or key fob on the key reader behind the cup holders on the top of the center console to confirm the deletion. The key will no longer appear in the key list.

Note: At all times, your vehicle requires at least one authenticated key card or key fob. This key cannot be erased if the key list only contains one key card.



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