Tesla's Model 3 once again proves that it's not only adored by humans but also finds its fans among dogs. A Model 3 electric sedan owner decided to let his puppy on the driver's seat, alone in the car, and by using the Summon feature, let the dog drive across the parking lot and pick him up.
The image of a pup driving a car for real is hilarious, but let's make it clear, the dog has nothing to do with driving the car.
However, thanks to the superb self-driving abilities of Tesla vehicles, the car owners can have a whole lot of fun with their pets, without anyone getting hurt.
Summon is a feature of Tesla's Full Self-Driving, it can be purchased at $8,000, and it's compatible with all the current Tesla car models.
Summon is more than you've ever dreamed of. By using the Tesla smartphone app, Summon allows an EMPTY, parked car to start driving and find its owner.
When talking about AI, we are talking about Tesla vehicles, and there's no doubt that all their features are resembling a futuristic world that many of us still have no clue about.
The newest version of Tesla Smart Summon was released in September 2019 as part of Version 10 Software Update. Incredibly enough, like everything else connected to the Tesla industry, the new Summon found over half a million users within the first weeks.
The driving laws and regulations in other countries are different than in the US, so Tesla needed to delay the release overseas.
For now, the feature is available in the US, China, and Canada, and as well in Europe, but European drivers reported numerous law problems due to European Union strict driving regulations.
However, the updated Summon version overcomes all the expectations and has been tested in impossible conditions to prove that is fully functioning and reliable.
For example, Summon was used to rescue a family from a downpour while they were leaving the supermarket, and it also navigated on a challenging course with obstacles and a drive-thru restaurant.
Summon is more than just another feature of the autopilot. It's a lifesaver in critical situations when injured people are forced to drive or for the ones who struggle with parking lot navigation.
On top of all, life's not only about being practical but also having fun, and by this, we mean dog-driving-a-car fun with the help of Summon.