EV News

Expanding Transport Electrification
This year, we’ve seen Tesla go from strength and strength with its electric vehicles’ production, innovations in battery manufacturing, and its ambitious construction with the Giga Factories. Yet, there is one growing market in the electric transport arena that Tesla...
Tesla co-founder of New ZETA Coalition
This week, the first coalition has been formed to represent the electric vehicle industry as a lobbying group on Capitol Hill. The Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA) has a mission to get all new car sales to be electric by...
Drivers Feedback on First-hand FSD Test
Tesla news this week has been a big hype over the FSD beta version released to a few select customers. While there was criticism of testing being placed in the hands of normal customers out on public roads, Tesla Raj...
Fisker: A New EV Shifter
Back in September, we reported on how the electric vehicle industry is set to change and we’re slowly seeing new competitors arrive on the scene. This week, General Motors is unveiling their EV version of the Hummer and now another...
A New Future With New Friends
Tesla and Volkswagen have long been considered rivals in the auto manufacturing industry. However, recent events show the tide is changing regarding their relationship. As we reported this week, Tesla boss, Elon Musk embarked on a three-day visit to Germany,...